プレミアリーグ ~ヤフーニュースにもならない小ネタ集め~




【まとめ】出張ホテルでの必携アイテム 便利グッズで快適な出張を実現!

2023/5/29 作成 2023/6/3 更新 ビジネス出張は普段とは異なる環境での仕事になるため、心身ともに負担のかかるものになります。 特に宿泊が伴う場合は慣れないホテル生活になるため、より一層の負担となります。 このため、宿泊先のビジネスホテルでいかに快…

Top 100 Higheset-Paid Players in J.League(J1,Japan) 2022

Written on 28-May-2023 In this article, we have compiled the top 100 salaries of J.League(J1) players in 2022, which represents the highest category of professional soccer in Japan. *The exchange rate is 0.073 $/¥ Rank Player Age Pos. Tea…

アメリカ4大スポーツ 年俸比較[一番儲かる競技は?]

2023/5/27 作成 2023/7/10 更新 はじめに アメリカの4大スポーツが何かご存じでしょうか? そう、野球(MLB)、アメフト(NFL)、バスケットボール(NBA)、アイスホッケー(NHL)です。そしてそれらの選手は莫大な年俸を得ていることもニュース等で耳にした…



2023/5/25 作成 2023/7/24 更新 ■状況 私が遭遇した状況は以下です。 ・GalaxyA7 ・楽天モバイル ・突然正しいパスワードを入れても画面ロックが解除できなくなった ・何回やってもダメ という状態に遭遇しました。 いろいろ試して、最終的に私が出来た解決…

【画像】MLB選手 2023年 年俸ランキングTOP20【大谷翔平は?】

2023/5/21 作成 ■はじめに 2023年のMLB(アメリカプロ野球)で最も年俸の高かった選手は誰でしょうか? 今回は2023年のMLB選手の年俸ランキングTOP20を画像付きで紹介します。 日本人選手である大谷翔平選手は果たして入っているのか? 併せて見ていってくださ…

【画像】NHL選手 年俸ランキングTOP10【2022/2023シーズン】

2023/5/18 作成 ■はじめに 2022/2023シーズンのNHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)で最も年俸の高かった選手は誰でしょうか? 今回は2022/2023シーズンのNHL選手の年俸ランキングTOP10を画像付きで紹介します。 ※レートは130円/円で換算。 参考HP:https://www.s…

Top 100 Higheset-Paid Players in J.League(J1,Japan) 2023

Written on 16-May-2023 In this article, we have compiled the top 100 salaries of J.League(J1) players in 2023, which represents the highest category of professional soccer in Japan. *The exchange rate is 0.073 $/¥ Rank Player Age Pos. Clu…

【Image】Top 3 goal scorers in the Belgian First Division since 2015

Written on 12-May-2023 This article summarizes the top 3 goal scorers in the Belgian First Division since 2015. In recent years, many Japanese players have also joined the Belgian First Division, and they have also ranked in this ranking. …

【Image】Top 20 earners in 2022 Japan Women's Golf prize money ranking!!

Written on 8-May-2023 Did you know that the prize money for Japan's women's professional golf tour ranks second in the world, behind the United States? In fact, Japan's women's golf tour can be considered one of the world's richest tours. …

【Image】Top 20 earners in the 2022 Japanese men's golf prize money ranking!!

Written on 8-May-2023 The prize money for the tournaments held by the Japan Golf Tour Organization (JGTO) is the third largest in the world after the tours in the United States and Europe. However, it is said to be only one-tenth of that i…

【Image】Top 20 Cricket Players' Salaries in 2022! 【IPL Players】

Written on 6-May-2023 Cricket is an extremely popular sport worldwide, competing for the third or fourth most popular sport every year. (By the way, volleyball is in first place and basketball is in second, table tennis is in third.) It is…

【Image】Top 10 Salary Rankings for Korean Baseball in 2022!

Written on 2-May-2023 This article summarizes the salary rankings for Korean baseball in 2022. We have compiled information on the salaries of top athletes in the Korean baseball world, which may not be well-known in Japan. Let's take a cl…

【Image】Who earns the most? Top 10 highest-paid players in Japanese professional baseball in 2023!

Written on 1-May-2023 Professional baseball player salaries are determined not only by their abilities, but also by their popularity. We have received information on the salaries of Japanese professional baseball players for the 2023 seaso…